SEOUL | Railway Poster
Seoul Railway System is a railway map of Seoul metropolitan area whose overall image is inspired by Tae-Geuk mark of the Korean national flag. Han River, flowing across the city from east to west, has been the driving force behind the development of the capital city and is the symbol of the long history of the Korean Peninsula.
서울 레일웨이 시스템은 한강이 가로지르는 서울의 형태가 태극 문양으로 형상화 된, 서울의 이미지가 반영된 노선도입니다.
Poster Maps have the largest dimensions among all Railway Map products, which makes it ideal for interior decoration.
레일웨이 포스터는 레일웨이맵 제품 중 가장 큰 크기로, 인테리어로 사용하기에 좋은 제품입니다.
poster 880x610mm (35x24inch)
box 65x65x630mm (2.5x2.5x24.8inch)
premium coated paper
FRONT : Seoul railway system
BACK : Seoul area map